Be the best pet parent you can be before you adopt

The first globally recognized “pet parent certification” for preffered adopters.

Be Prepared.
Be the Hero your dog deserves.

Every year thousands of dogs are returned to rescues, abandoned or neglected because their owners were not properly prepared to provide the care they needed. The heartbreaking cycle leaves dogs and their owners both devastated.

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LearningFurLove’s Comprehensive Program

Learningfurlove is a global organization committed to breaking this cycle. With help from dedicated veterinarians and dog rescue experts from across the globe, we have created a comprehensive program to educate, train, prepare and “certify” those about to become pet parents.

The Program

01 Education

The program is designed to take you through a structured plan and will equip you with the essential knowledge and awareness to prepare you to effectively choose the right pup for your family and exactly what you need to prepare for to provide the best forever home possible.

02 Training

Learn the absolute importance of proper training for your new companion and get started with the basics, then be introduced to several approved training organizations.

03 Preperation

Learn everything you need to know to properly and thoroughly prepare for your new companion and for the pet parenting journey.

04 Certification

Upon completion of the course you will receive a certification that signifies your commitment to responsible pet ownership as well as make you a preferred adopter within our network of approved rescue organizations and responsible breeders.

LearningFurLove will be your trusted guide on your journey to becoming a loving and responsible dog owner. Our team of experts will provide you with the knowledge and skill, awareness and resources you need to ensure a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend.

Enroll Today

Start your journey to becoming a confident and knowledgeable dog owner.

Support Our Mission

Spread awareness about Learning Fur Love and help us reduce dog returns.


Your contribution will help reach even more prospective dog owners and rescue dogs need.

Make a Difference

Don’t let uncertainty and lack of knowledge jeopardize your relationship with your dog. Join LearningFurLove today and be part of a global movement to create successful forever homes for dogs and their owners. Your commitment can make all the difference.

Success Awaits

With LearningFurLove, you’ll be well-prepared to provide a happy and healthy forever home for your dog. Together, we can reduce the heartbreaking cycle of dogs being surrendered, neglected, abandoned and ensure a brighter future for both dogs and their owners.

In Association With & Proudly Endorsed By:

Dr. Alex Crow

Lourdes Mª Arnedo Amat

Daniel Francisco Román Camacho

Daniyal Mukhtar

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See what veterinarians have to say about LearningFurLove.

LearningFurLove Reviews

Learningfurlove: Empowering pet owners and rescues
with valuable resources and responsible adoption education.